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Journal articles

Zhao D., Dvorkin V., Delikaraoglou S., Lamadrid A.J.L., Botterud A., “Uncertainty-Informed Renewable Energy Scheduling: A Scalable Bilevel Framework,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, accepted.

Blaisdell-Pijuan P.L., Haugen M., Botterud A., Levin T., Zhou Z., Belsnes M., Korpås M., Somani A., “Power Market Models for the Clean Energy Transition: State of the Art and Future Research Needs,” Applied Energy, Vol. 357, 122495, 2024.

Dvorkin V., Mallapragada D., Botterud A., “Multi-Stage Investment Decision Rules for Power Systems with Performance Guarantees,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 755–769, 2024.

Kwon J., Levin T., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Mehrtash M., Hobbs B., “The impact of market design and clean energy incentives on strategic generation investments and resource adequacy in low-carbon electricity markets,” Renewable Energy Focus, Vol. 47, 100495, 2023.

Zhang N., Liu Y., Si F., Hou Q., Botterud A., Kang C., “Topology and Admittance Estimation: Precision Limits and Algorithms,” iEnergy, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 297-307, 2023.

Korpås M., Flataker A.F., Sæle H., Torsæter B.N., Lindberg K.B., Jiang S., Sørensen Å.L., Botterud A., “Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles – The Norwegian Experience,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 18-27, 2023.

Zhao D., Coyle S., Sakti A., Botterud A, “Market Mechanisms for Low-Carbon Electricity Investments: A Game-Theoretical Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 441-454, 2023.

Levin T., Bistline J., Sioshansi R., Cole W.J., Burger S.P., Crabtree G.W., Jenkins J.D., O’Neil R., Korpås M., Wogrin S., Hobbs B.F., Rosner R., Srinivasan V., Botterud A., “Energy Storage Solutions to Decarbonize Electricity through Enhanced Capacity Expansion Modeling,” Nature Energy, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 1199-1208, 2023.

Dvorkin V., Botterud A., “Differentially Private Algorithms for Synthetic Power System Datasets,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 2053-2058, 2023.

Helseth A., Melo A.C.G., Ploussard Q.M., Mo B., Maceira M.E.P., Botterud A., Voisin N., “Hydropower Scheduling Toolchains – Comparing Experiences in Brazil, Norway and USA and Implications for Synergistic Research,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 149, No. 7: 04023030, 2023.

Yong P, Botterud A., Zang N., Kang C., “Capacity Value of Uninterruptible Power Supply Storage,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 1763-1766, 2023.

Shu T., Papageorgiou D.J., Harper M.R., Rajagopalan S., Rudnick I., Audun Botterud A. “From Coal to Variable Renewables: Impact of Flexible Electric Vehicle Charging on the Future Indian Electricity Sector,” Energy, Vol. 269, 126465, 2023.

Zhao D., Jafari M., Botterud A., Sakti A., “Strategic energy storage investments: A case study of the CAISO electricity market,” Applied Energy, Vol 325, 119909, 2022.

Dvorkin V., Mallapragada D., Botterud A., Kazempour J., Pinson P., “Multi-stage linear decision rules for stochastic control of natural gas networks with linepack,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 212, 2022.

Wogrin S., Tejada-Arango D., Delikaraoglou S., Lamadrid A., Botterud A., “The impact of convexity on expansion planning in low-carbon electricity markets,” TOP, Vol. 30, pp. 574-593, 2022.

Bompard E., Ciocia A., Grosso D., Huang T., Spertino F., Jafari M., Botterud A., “Assessing the role of fluctuating renewables in energy transition: Methodologies and tools,” Applied Energy, Vol. 314, 118968, 2022.

Rudnick I., Duenas-Martinez P., Botterud A., Papageorgiou D.J., Mignone B.K., Rajagopalan S. , Harper M.R., Ganesan K., “Decarbonization of the Indian electricity sector: Technology choices and policy trade-offs,” iScience, Vol. 25, No. 4, 104017, 2022.

Jafari M., Sakti A., Botterud A., “Optimization of Electrolyte Rebalancing in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 748-751, 2022.

Sioshansi R., et al., “Energy-Storage Modeling: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Directions,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 860-875, 2022.

Jafari M., Botterud A., Sakti A.,” Decarbonizing power systems: A critical review of the role of energy storage,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 158, 112077, 2022.

Bødal E.F., Botterud A., Korpås M., “Capacity Expansion Planning with Stochastic Rolling Horizon Dispatch,” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 205, 107729, 2022.

Levin T., Botterud A., Mann W.N., Kwon J, Zhou Z., “Extreme weather and electricity markets: Key lessons from the February 2021 Texas crisis,” Joule, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 2022.

Fleischhacker A., Corinaldesi C., Lettner G., Auer H., Botterud A., “Stabilizing Energy Communities through Energy Pricing or PV Expansion,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 728-737, 2022.

Mao J., Jafari M., Botterud A., “Planning low-carbon distributed power systems: Evaluating the role of energy storage,” Energy, Vol. 238, 121668, 2022.

Scott I.J., Carvalho P.M.S, Botterud A., Silva C.A., “Long-term uncertainties in generation expansion planning: Implications for electricity market modelling and policy,” Energy, Vol. 227, 120371, 2021.

Liu Y., Zhang N., Wu D., Botterud A., Yao R., Kang C., “Searching for Critical Power System Cascading Failures with Graph Convolutional Network,” IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1304-1313, 2021.

Jiang Y., Wan C., Song Y., Yang Dong Z., “Efficient Robust Scheduling of Integrated Electricity and Heat Systems: A Direct Constraint Tightening Approach,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 3016-3029, 2021.

Westgaard S., Fleten S-E., Negash A., Botterud A., Bogaard K., Haugsvaer Verling T., “Performing price scenario analysis and stress testing using quantile regression: A case study of the Californian electricity market,” Energy, 118796, 2021.

Brown P., Botterud A., “The value of interregional coordination and transmission in decarbonizing the US electricity system,” Joule, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 115-134, 2021.

Wu Q., Hu Q., Hang L., Botterud A., Muljadi E., “Power to Gas for Future Renewable based Energy Systems,” IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 14, No. 17, pp. 3281-3283, 2021.

Jiang Y., Wan C., Botterud A., Song Y., Shahidehpour M., “Convex Relaxation of Combined Heat and Power Dispatch,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 1442-1458, 2021.

Liu Y., Xu B., Botterud A., Zhang N., Kang C., “Bounding Regression Errors in Data-driven Power Grid Steady-state Models,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 1023-1033, 2021.

Bødal E.F., Mallapragada D., Botterud A., Korpås M., “Decarbonization synergies from joint planning of electricity and hydrogen production: A Texas case study,” Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 45, No. 58, pp. 32899-32915, 2020.

Wogrin S., Tejada-Arango D., Delikaraoglou S., Botterud A., “Assessing the impact of inertia and reactive power constraints in generation expansion planning,” Applied Energy, Vol. 278, 115925, 2020.

Park B., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Thimmapuram P., “Probabilistic Zonal Reserve Requirements for Improved Energy Deliverability with Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 4324-4334, 2020.

Scott I.J., Botterud A., Carvalho P.M.S., Santos Silva C.A., “Renewable energy support policy evaluation: The role of long-term uncertainty in market modelling,” Applied Energy, Vol. 278, 115643, 2020.

Bompard E., Botterud A, Corgnati S., Huang T., Jafari M., Leone P., Mauro S., Montesano G., Papa C., Profumo F., “An electricity triangle for energy transition: Application to Italy,” Applied Energy, Vol. 277, 115525, 2020.

Jafari M., Botterud A., Sakti A., “Estimating revenues from offshore wind-storage systems: The importance of advanced battery models,” Applied Energy, Vol. 276, 115417, 2020.

Jafari M., Korpås M., Botterud A., Renewable Energy, “Power system decarbonization: Impacts of energy storage duration and interannual renewables variability,” Renewable EnergyVol. 156, pp. 1171-1185, 2020.

Jiang Y., Wan C., Botterud A., Song Y., Xia S., “Exploiting Flexibility of District Heating Networks in Combined Heat and Power Dispatch,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020.

Mills A.D., Levin T., Wiser R., Seel J., A Botterud A., “Impacts of variable renewable energy on wholesale markets and generating assets in the United States: A review of expectations and evidence,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 120, 109670, 2020.

Yang J., Zhang N., Botterud A., Kang C., “Situation awareness of electricity-gas coupled systems with a multi-port equivalent gas network model,” Applied Energy, Vol. 258, 114029, 2020.

Botterud A., Auer H., “Resource Adequacy with Increasing Shares of Wind and Solar Power: A Comparison of European and U.S. Electricity Market Designs,” Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 9. No. 1, 2020.

Byers C., Botterud A., “Additional Capacity Value from Synergy of Variable Renewable Energy and Energy Storage,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 1106-1109, 2020.

Yang J., Botterud A, Zhang N., Lu Y., Kang C., “A Cost-Sharing Approach for Decentralized Electricity-Heat Operation with Renewables,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 1838 – 1847, 2020.

Yang J., Zhang N., Botterud A., Kang C., “On An Equivalent Representation of the Dynamics in District Heating Networks for Combined Electricity-Heat Operation,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 560 – 570, 2020.

Kwon J., Zhou Z., Levin T., Botterud A., “Resource Adequacy in Electricity Markets with Renewable Energy,” IEEE Trans Power Systems, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 773 – 781, 2020.

Scott I.J., Carvalho P.M.S., Botterud A., Silva C.A., “Clustering representative days for power systems generation expansion planning: Capturing the effects of variable renewables and energy storage,” Applied Energy, Vol. 253, 2019.

Levin T., Kwon J., Botterud A., “The long-term impacts of carbon and variable renewable energy policies on electricity markets,” Energy Policy, Vol. 131, pp. 53-71, 2019.

Fleischhacker A., Auer H., Lettner G., Botterud A., “Sharing solar PV and energy storage in apartment buildings: resource allocation and pricing,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 3963-3973, 2019.

Kim K., Botterud A., Qiu F., “Temporal Decomposition for Improved Unit Commitment in Power System Production Cost Modeling,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 5276 – 5287, 2018.

Sakti A., Botterud A., O’Sullivan F., “Review of wholesale markets and regulations for advanced energy storage services in the US: Current status and path forward,” Energy Policy, Vol. 120, pp. 569–579, 2018.

Wang Y., Wan C., Zhou Z., Zhang K., Botterud A., “Improving Deployment Availability of Energy Storage with Data-driven AGC Signal Models,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2018.

Jenkins J. D., Zhou Z., Ponciroli R., Vilim R.B., Ganda F., de Sisternes F., Botterud A., “The benefits of nuclear flexibility in power system operations with renewable energy,” Applied Energy, Vol. 222, pp. 872-884, 2018.

Byers C., Levin T., Botterud A., “Capacity market design and renewable energy: Performance incentives, qualifying capacity, and demand curves,” Electricity Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 65-74, 2018.

Wang Y., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Zhang K., “Optimal Wind Power Uncertainty Intervals for Electricity Market Operation,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 199-210, 2018.

Krishnamurthy D., Uckun C., Zhou Z., Thimmapuram P., Botterud A., “Energy Storage Arbitrage Under Day-Ahead and Real-Time Price Uncertainty,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 84-93, 2018.

Ponciroli R., Wang Y., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Jenkins J., Vilim R.B., Ganda F., “Profitability Evaluation of Load-following Nuclear Units with Physics-induced Operational Constraints,” Nuclear Technology, Vol. 200, No. 3, pp. 189-207, 2017.

Chen R., Wang J., Botterud A., Sun H., “Wind Power Providing Flexible Ramp Product,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 2049 – 2061, 2017.

Liu C., Botterud A., Zhou Z., Du P. “Fuzzy Joint Energy and Reserve Auction with High Penetration of Renewable Energy,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 782-791, 2017.

Wang Y., Zhao S., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Xu Y., Chen R., “Risk Adjustable Day Ahead Unit Commitment with Wind Power Based on Chance Constrained Goal Programming,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 530-541, 2017.

Wankmüller F., Thimmapuram P., Gallagher K.G., Botterud A., “Impact of Battery Degradation on Energy Arbitrage Revenue of Grid-level Energy Storage,” Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 10, pp. 55-66, 2017.

Sakti A., Gallagher K.G, Sepulveda N., Uckun C, Vergara C., de Sisternes F., Dees D.W., Botterud A., “Enhanced representations of lithium-ion batteries in power systems models and their effect on the valuation of energy arbitrage applications,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 342, pp. 279-291, 2017.

Wang Y., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Zhang K., Ding Q, “Stochastic coordinated operation of wind-battery energy storage system considering battery degradation“, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 581-592, 2016.

de Sisternes F., Jenkins J., Botterud A., “The value of energy storage in decarbonizing the electricity sector,” Applied Energy, Vol. 175, pp. 368-379, 2016.

Uckun C., Botterud A., Birge J., “An Improved Stochastic Unit Commitment Formulation to Accommodate Wind Uncertainty,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 2507-2517, 2016.

Ela E., Milligan M., Bloom A., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., Frew B., “Wholesale electricity market design with increasing levels of renewable generation: Incentivizing flexibility in system operations,” Electricity Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 51-60, 2016.

Milligan M., Bloom A., Ela E., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., Frew B., “Wholesale electricity market design with increasing levels of renewable generation: Revenue sufficiency and long-term reliability,” Electricity Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 26-38, 2016.

Li N., Uckun C., Constantinescu E., Birge J.R., Hedman K.W., Botterud A., “Flexible Operation of Batteries in Power System Scheduling with Renewable Energy”, IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 685-696, 2016, 2016.

Levin T., Botterud A., “Electricity Market Design for Generator Revenue Sufficiency with Increased Variable Generation,” Energy Policy, Vol. 87, pp. 392-406, Oct. 2015.

Wu J., Botterud A., Mills A., Zhou Z., Hodge B-M., Heaney M., “Integrating Solar PV in Utility System Operations: Analytical Framework and Arizona Case Study,” Energy, Vol. 85, pp. 1-9, 2015. 

Levin T., Botterud A., “Capacity Adequacy and Revenue Sufficiency in Electricity Markets with Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 1644-1653, 2015.

Rocha P., Das T.K., Nanduri V., Botterud A., “Impact of CO2 cap-and-trade programs on restructured power markets with generation capacity investments,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 71, pp. 195-208, 2015.

Jin S., Botterud A., Ryan S.M., “Temporal vs. Stochastic Granularity in Thermal Generation Capacity Planning with Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 2033-2041, 2014.

Vilim M., Botterud A., “Wind Power Bidding in Electricity Markets with High Wind Penetration,” Applied Energy, Vol. 114, pp. 141-155, 2014.

Zhou Z., Botterud A., “Dynamic Scheduling of Operating Reserves in Co-optimized Electricity Markets with Wind Power,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.160-171, 2014.

Jin S., Botterud A., Ryan S.M., “Impact of Demand Response on Thermal Generation Investment with High Wind Penetration,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 2374-2383, 2013.

Zhou Z., Botterud A., Wang J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Sumaili J., Miranda V., “Application of Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in Electricity Markets,” Wind Energy, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 321-338, 2013.

Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., Sumaili J., Keko H., Mendes J., Bessa R.J., Miranda V., ”Demand Dispatch and Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch: A Case Study of Illinois,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 250-261, 2013.

Bessa R.J., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., Constantinescu E.M., “Time Adaptive Conditional Kernel Density Estimation for Wind Power Forecasting,” IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 660-669, 2012.

Liu C., Wang J., Botterud A., Zhou Y., Vyas A., “Assessment of Impacts of PHEV Charging Patterns on Windthermal Scheduling by Stochastic Unit Commitment,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 675-683, 2012.

Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Sumaili J., Miranda, V., “Wind Power Trading under Uncertainty in LMP markets,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 27, No.2, pp. 894-903, 2012.

Valentino L., Valenzuela V., Botterud A., Zhou Z., Conzelmann G., “System-Wide Emissions Implications of Increased Wind Power Penetration,” Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 4200–4206, 2012.

Bessa R.J., Miranda V., Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., “Time-Adaptive Quantile-Copula for Wind Power Probabilistic Forecasting,” Renewable Energy, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 29-39, 2012.

Wang J., Botterud A., Bessa R., Keko H, Carvalho L., Issicaba D., Sumaili J., Miranda V., “Wind Power Forecasting Uncertainty and Unit Commitment,” Applied Energy, Vol. 88, No. 11, pp. 4014-4023, 2011.

Wang J, Zhou Z., Botterud A., “An Evolutionary Game Approach to Analyzing Bidding Strategies in Electricity Markets with Elastic Demand,” Energy, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 3459-3467, 2011.

Bessa R.J., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., “‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ Wind Power Forecasts: A Relative Concept,” Wind Energy, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 625-636, 2011.

Botterud A., Kristiansen T., Ilic M.D., “The relationship between spot and futures prices in the Nord Pool electricity market,” Energy Economics, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 967-978, 2010.

Botterud A., Wang J., Miranda V., Bessa R.J., “Wind Power Forecasting in U.S. Electricity Markets,” Electricity Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 71-82, 2010.

Løken E., Botterud A., Holen A.T., “Use of the Equivalent Attribute Technique in Multicriteria Planning of Local Energy Systems,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 197, No. 3, pp. 1075-1083, 2009.

Wang J., Shahidehpour M., Li Z., Botterud A, “Strategic Generation Capacity Expansion Planning with Incomplete Information,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 1002-1010, 2009.

Wang J., Botterud A., Conzelmann G., Koritarov V., “Multi-Agent System for Short and Long-Term Power Market Simulations,” Int. Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 36-43, 2009.

Botterud A., Yildiz B., Conzelmann G., Petri M.C. “Nuclear hydrogen: An assessment of product flexibility and market viability,” Energy Policy, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 3961-3973, 2008.

Doorman G. and Botterud A., “Analysis of Generation Investments under Different Market Designs,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 859-867, 2008.

Botterud A. and Korpås M., “A stochastic dynamic model for optimal timing of investments in new generation capacity in restructured power systems,” Int. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 163-174, 2007.

Wangensteen I., Botterud A., Flatabø N., “Power System Planning and Operation in International Markets – Perspectives from the Nordic Region and Europe,” Proceedings of the IEEE (invited), Vol. 93, No.11, pp. 2049-2059, 2005.

Botterud A., Ilic M.D., Wangensteen I., “Optimal Investments in Power Generation under Centralized and Decentralized Decision Making,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 254-263, 2005.

Botterud A. and Wangensteen I., “Optimal investments in new generation capacity in a liberalised power market” – in Norwegian, Økonomisk Forum, the journal of the Norwegian Society of Economists, No. 7, pp. 54-63, 2004.

Working papers

Tarel G., Korpås M., Botterud A., “Long-term Equilibrium in Electricity Markets with Renewables and Energy Storage Only,” MIT CEEPR, Working Paper 2022-012, Sep. 2022.     

Korpås M., Botterud A., “Optimality Conditions and Cost Recovery in Electricity Markets with Variable Renewable Energy and Energy Storage,” MIT CEEPR, Working Paper 2020-005, Mar. 2020.

Burger S.P., Schneider I., Botterud A., Pérez-Arriaga I., “Fair, Equitable, and Efficient Tariffs in the Presence of Distributed Energy Resources,” MIT CEEPR, Working Paper 2018-008, Apr. 2018.   

Botterud A., Auer H., “Resource Adequacy with Increasing Shares of Wind and Solar Power: A Comparison of European and U.S. Electricity Market Designs,” MIT CEEPR, Working Paper 2018-012, Aug. 2018.     

Book chapters

Bompard et al., “Electrify Italy,” ISBN 978-88-85745-43-8, ENEL Foundation, 2020.

Burger S., Schneider I., Botterud A., Pérez-Arriaga I., “Fair, equitable, and efficient tariffs in the presence of distributed energy resources,” in “Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How Service Innovations will Disrupt the Utility Business Model,” pp. 155-188, Academic Press/Elsevier, 2019.

Botterud A., “Managing renewables in an energy-only market – the case of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas,” The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Forum, No. 114, pp. 11-15, 2018.

Ela E., Milligan M., Bloom A., Cochran J., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., “Overview of Wholesale Electricity Markets,” in “Electricity Markets with Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation: Structure, Operation, Agent-based Simulation, and Emerging Designs,” pp. 3-21, Springer, 2018.

Ela E., Milligan M., Bloom A., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., “Incentivizing Flexibility in System Operations,” in “Electricity Markets with Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation: Structure, Operation, Agent-based Simulation, and Emerging Designs,” pp. 95-127, Springer, 2018.

Ela E., Milligan M., Bloom A., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., “Long-Term Resource Adequacy, Long-Term Flexibility Requirements, and Revenue Sufficiency,” in “Electricity Markets with Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation: Structure, Operation, Agent-based Simulation, and Emerging Designs,” pp. 129-164, Springer, 2018.

Matos M., Bessa R., Botterud A., Zhou Z., “Forecasting and Setting Power System Operating Reserves,” in “Renewable Energy Forecasting: From Models to Applications,” pp. 279-308, Woodhead Publishing, 2017.

Botterud A., “Forecasting Renewable Energy for Grid Operations,” in Jones L. (ed) “Renewable Energy Integration: Practical Management of Variability, Uncertainty, and Flexibility in Power Grids,” pp. 137-148, Elsevier, 2014 (1st ed.)/2017 (2nd ed.).

Wang J., Valenzuela J., Botterud A., Bessa R., Keko H., Miranda V., “Reliability Assessment Unit Commitment with Uncertain Wind Power,” in Pardals et al. (eds) “Handbook of Wind Power Systems: Optimization, Modeling, Simulation and Economic Aspects,” pp. 3-20, Springer, 2013.

Botterud A., N. Abdel-Karim, M. Ilic, “Generation Planning under Uncertainty with Variable Resources,” in “Engineering IT-Enabled Sustainable Electricity Services: The Tale of Two Low-Cost Green Azores Islands,” pp. 535-552, Springer, 2013.

Ferreira C., Gama J., Miranda V., Botterud A., “Probabilistic ramp detection and forecasting for wind power prediction,” in “Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Wind Integrated Power Systems,” pp. 29-44, Springer, 2013.

Ferreira C.A., Gama J., Costa V.S., Miranda V., Botterud A., “Predicting Ramp Events with a Stream-Based HMM framework,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7569, pp. 224-238, Springer-Verlag, 2012.

Techncial reports

Zhou Z., Botterud A., Levin T, “Price Formation in Zero-Carbon Electricity Markets: The Role of Hydropower,” Technical Report ANL-22/31, Argonne National Laboratory, July 2022.

Botterud A., O’Reilley C., Somani A., et al., “Valuing Flexibility in Evolving Electricity Markets: Current Status and Future Outlook for Hydropower,” Technical Report and White Paper, IEA Hydro Annex IX, June 2021.

Sun Y., Frew B., Levin T., et al., “Research Priorities and Opportunities in United States Wholesale Electricity Markets,” Technical Report NREL/TP-6A20-77521, May 2021.

Harby A., Schäffer L.E., Arnesen F., Bauhofer P., Beckitt A., Bockenhauer S., Botterud A., Christensen T.H., Middleton L., Nielsen N., Somani A., Gutierrez Tavarez E., Østlie C., “Flexible hydropower providing value to renewable energy integration,” White Paper, IEA Hydro Annex IX, Oct. 2019.

Wiser R.H., Mills A., Seel J., Levin T., Botterud A., “Impacts of Variable Renewable Energy on Bulk Power System Assets, Pricing, and Costs,” Report LBNL-2001082, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)/Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), Nov. 2017.

Zhou Z., Liu C., Botterud A., “Stochastic Methods Applied to Power Systems Operations with Renewable Energy: A Review,” Report ANL/ESD-16/14, Argonne National Laboratory, Aug. 2016.

Wang Y., Zhou Z., Liu C., Botterud A., “Systematic Evaluation of Stochastic Methods in Power System Scheduling and Dispatch with Renewable Energy,” Technical Report ANL/ESD-16/10, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, Aug. 2016.

Weimar M.R., Mylrea M. E., Levin T., Botterud A., O’Shaughnessy E., Bird L., “Integrating Renewable Generation into Grid Operations: Four International Experiences,” Report PNNL- 25331, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Apr. 2016.

Fisher J., Santen N.R., Luckow P., de Sisternes F., Levin T., Botterud A., “A Guide to Clean Power Plan Modeling Tools: Analytical Approaches for State Plan CO2 Performance Projections,” Technical Report, Synapse Energy Economics, Feb. 2016.

Ela E., Milligan M., Bloom A., Botterud A., Townsend A., Levin T., “Evolution of Wholesale Electricity Market Design with Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation,” Technical Report NREL/TP-5D00-61765, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sep. 2014. 

Silva C., Bessa R., Pequeno E., Sumaili J., Miranda V.., Zhou  Z., Botterud, A., “Dynamic Factor Graphs – A New Wind Power Forecasting Approach,” Report ANL/ESD-14-9, Argonne National Laboratory, Sept. 2014.

Botterud A., Levin T., Koritarov V., “Pumped Storage Hydropower: Benefits for Grid Reliability and Integration of Variable Renewable Energy,” Report ANL/DIS-14/10, Argonne National Laboratory, Aug. 2014.

Koritarov V., Veselka T., Gasper J., Bethke B., Botterud A., Wang J., Mahalik M., Zhou Z., Milostan C., Feltes J., Kazachkov Y., Guo T., Liu G., Trouille B., Donalek P., King K., Ela E., Kirby B. Krad I, Gevorgian V., “Modeling and Analysis of Value of Advanced Pumped Storage Hydropower in the United States,” Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/DIS-14/7, Argonne, IL, June 2014.

Mendes, J., Sumaili J., Bessa R., Keko H., Miranda V., Botterud A. and Zhi Z., “Very Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting: State-of-the-Art,” Report ANL/DIS-14/6, Argonne National Laboratory, Dec. 2013.

Mills A., Botterud A., Wu J., Zhou Z., Hodge B-M., Heaney M., “Integrating Solar PV in Utility System Operations,” Report ANL/DIS-13/18, Argonne National Laboratory, Oct. 2013.

Veselka T.D., Poch L.A., Botterud A., “Review of the WECC EDT Phase 2 EIM Benefits Analysis and Results Report,” Report ANL/DIS-12-2, Argonne National Laboratory, Apr. 2012.

Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Mendes J., Sumaili J, Miranda V., ”Use of Wind Power Forecasting in Operational Decisions,” Report ANL/DIS-11-8, Argonne National Laboratory, Sep. 2011.

Mendes J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Sumaili J., Miranda V., Ferreira C., Gama J., Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., “Development and Testing of Improved Statistical Wind Power Forecasting Methods,” Report ANL/DIS-11-7, Argonne National Laboratory, Sep. 2011.

Ferreira C., Gama J., Matias L., Botterud A., Wang J., “A Survey on Wind Power Ramp Forecasting,” Report ANL/DIS 10-13, Argonne National Laboratory, Dec. 2010.

Monteiro C., Bessa R., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., Conzelmann G., “Wind Power Forecasting: State-of-the-Art 2009,” Report ANL/DIS-10-1, Argonne National Laboratory, Nov.2009.

Botterud A., Yildiz B., Conzelmann G., Petri M.C., “The Market Viability of Nuclear Hydrogen Technologies,” Report ANL-07/13, Argonne National Laboratory, Feb. 2007.

Conference papers

Zhao D., Dvorkin V, Delikaraoglou S., Lamadrid A.J., Botterud A., “A Scalable Bilevel Framework for Renewable Energy Scheduling,” ACM e-Energy, Orlando Florida, Jun. 20-23, 2023.

Zhao D., Botterud A., Ilic M., “Uniform Pricing vs Pay as Bid in 100%-Renewables Electricity Markets: A Game-theoretical Analysis,” ACM e-Energy, Orlando Florida, Jun. 20-23, 2023.

Zhao D., Jafari M., Botterud A., Sakti A., “Strategic Storage Investment in Electricity Markets,” Proceedings IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver CO, Jul. 2022.

Wogrin S, Tejada-Arango D.A., Delikaraoglou S., Botterud A., “Show me the money! Profitability of energy storage systems in low-carbon power systems,” 2021 IEEE Madrid Powertech, 2021.

Xu B., Botterud A., Korpås M., “Operational Valuation for Energy Storage under Multi-stage Price Uncertainties,” Proceedings 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2020.

Xu B., Korpås M., Botterud A., O’Sullivan F., “A Lagrangian policy for optimal energy storage control,” Proceedings American Control Conference (ACC), July 2020.

Jafari M., Bompard E., Delmastro C., Botterud A., Grosso D., “Electrify Italy: The Role of Renewable Energy,” Proceedings Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B, Boston, MA, May 2019.

Scott I.J., Carvalho P.M., Botterud A., Silva C.A., ” Renewable support policy evaluation: The importance of uncertainty,” Proceedings Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B, Boston, MA, May 2019.

Jiang Y., Wan C., Botterud A., Song Y., “Combined Heat and Power Dispatch Using Simplified District Heat Flow Model,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 2019.

Jafari M., Rodby K., Barton J.L, Brushett F., Botterud A. “Improved Energy Arbitrage Optimization with Detailed Flow Battery Characterization,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 2019.

Kwon J., Zhou Z., Levin T., Botterud A., “A Stochastic Multi-Agent Resource Planning Model: The Impact of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms,” submitted to 2018 Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Boise ID, Jun. 2018.

Schneider I., Roozbehani M., Botterud A., “Forward Contracts and Generator Market Power: How Externalities Reduce Benefits in Equilibrium,” Proceedings 35th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Houston TX, Nov. 2017.

Chen R., Botterud A., Sun H., Wang Y., “A Bilateral Reserve Market for Variable Generation: Concept and Implementation,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.

Wang Y., Zhou Z., Zhao S., Xu Y., Chen R., Yin J., Botterud A., “Chance-Constrained Goal-Programming Based Day Ahead Scheduling in Wind Power Integrated System,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.

Wang Y., Zhang K., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Han H., Ding Q., “Optimal Uncertain Intervals in Unit Commitment with Wind Power,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 2016.

Wang Y., Zhou Z., Liu C., Botterud A., “Evaluating Stochastic Methods in Power System Operations with Wind Power,” Proceedings IEEE International Energy Conference, Leuven, Belgium, Apr. 2016.

Macal C., Thimmapuram P., Koritarov V., Conzelmann G., Veselka T., North M., Mahalik M., Botterud A., Cirillo R., “Agent-Based Modeling of Electricity Markets,” Proceedings 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, Savannah, GA, Dec. 2014.

Zhou Z., Botterud A., “Price Responsive Demand for Operating Reserves and Energy in Electricity Markets with Wind Power,” Proceedings IEEE Power & Energy Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 2013.

Ela E., Kirby B., Botterud A., Milostan C., Krad I., Koritarov V., ”The Role of Pumped Storage Hydro Resources in Electricity Markets and System Operations, Proceedings Hydrovision International, Denver, CO, Jul. 2013.

Uckun C., Botterud A., Birge J.R., “Improving Electricity Markets to Accommodate a Large-Scale Expansion of Renewable Energy,” Proceedings IIE International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.

Wu J., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Mills A., Hodge B-M., Heaney M., “Impact of Renewable Energy on Power System Cost and Reliability,” Proceedings 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2013.

Ferreira C.A., Gama J., Costa V.S., Miranda V., Botterud A., “Predicting Ramp Events with a Stream-Based HMM framework,” Proceedings 15th Int. Conference on Discovery Science, Lyon, France, Oct. 2012.

Ferreira  C., Gama J., Miranda V., Botterud A., “Probabilistic ramp detection and forecasting for wind power prediction,” Proceedings of 12th Int. Conf. on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems PMAPS), Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2012.

Zhou Z., J. Wang, A. Botterud, “On the impacts of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Penetration on Power Markets,” Proceedings of Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Orlando, FL, USA, May 2012.

Sumaili J., Keko H., Miranda V., Zhou Z., Botterud A., Wang J., “Finding Representative Wind Power Scenarios and their Probabilities for Stochastic Models,” 16th Int. Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, Hersonissos – Greece, Sept. 2011.

Sumaili J., Keko H., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., “A Clustering-Based Wind Power Scenario Reduction Technique,” Power System Computation Conference (PSCC’11), Stockholm – Sweden, Aug. 2011.

Bessa R.J., Sumaili J., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., Constantinescu E., “Time-Adaptive Kernel Density Forecast: A New Method for Wind Power Uncertainty Modeling,” 17th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC’11), Stockholm – Sweden, Aug. 2011.

Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., Valenzuela J., Sumaili J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Miranda V., “Unit Commitment and Operating Reserves with Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasts,” IEEE Trondheim PowerTech 2011, Trondheim – Norway, Jun. 2011.

Bessa R.J., Mendes J., Miranda V., Botterud A., Wang J., Zhou Z., “Quantile-Copula Density Forecast for Wind Power Uncertainty Modeling,” IEEE Trondheim PowerTech 2011, Trondheim – Norway, Jun. 2011.

Bessa R.J., Miranda V., Sumaili J., Botterud A., Zhou Z., Wang J., “Wind Power Forecasting with Probability Density Estimation: A Tool for the Business,” Windpower 2011 Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA – USA, May 2011.

Zavala V.M., Botterud A., Constantinescu E., Wang J., “Computational and Economic Limitations  of Dispatch Operations in the Next-Generation Power Grid,” 2010 IEEE Conf. on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply, Boston, MA – USA Sept. 2010.

Mahalik M., Poch L., Botterud A., Vyas A. “Impacts of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles on the Electric Power System in Illinois, ”2010 IEEE Conf. on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply,” Boston, MA – USA, Sept. 2010.

Botterud A., Wang J., Bessa R.J., Keko H., Miranda V., “Risk Management and Optimal Bidding for a Wind Power Producer,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (invited), Minneapolis, MN – USA, Jul. 2010.

Bessa R.J., Miranda V., Principe J.C., Botterud A., Wang J., “Information Theoretic Learning applied to Wind Power Modeling,” 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona – Spain, Jul. 2010.

Botterud A., Wang J., Bessa R.J., Miranda V., “Designing Electricity Markets with Large Shares of Wind Power,” Windpower 2010 Conference & Exhibition, Dallas, TX – USA, May 2010.

Thimmapuram P., Kim J., Botterud A., Nam Y., ”Modeling and Simulation of Price Elasticity of Demand Using an Agent-Based Model,” 1st IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Washington DC – USA, Jan. 2010.

Wang J., Botterud A., Miranda V., Monteiro C., Sheble G., “Impact of Wind Power Forecasting on Unit Commitment and Dispatch,” 8th Int. Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems, Bremen – Germany, Oct. 2009.

Vilela S., Azevedo H., Tavares M.N., Thimmapuram P., Botterud A., Conzelmann G., “Modelling Hydro Power Operations and Planning in Electricity Markets,” Hydro 2009 Int. Conference and Exhibition, Lyon – France, Oct. 2009.

Botterud A., Wang J., Monteiro C., Miranda V. “Wind Power Forecasting and Electricity Market Operations,” Proc. 32nd IAEE Int. Conference, San Francisco, CA – USA, Jun. 2009.

Bouchard J., Botterud A., Thimmapuram P., “Price Forecasting and Unit Commitment in Electricity Markets,” Proc. 32nd IAEE Int. Conference, San Francisco, CA – USA, Jun. 2009.

Botterud A., Wang J., Monteiro C., Miranda V., “Advanced Wind Forecasting for Improved Power System Operations,” Proc. Windpower 2009 Conf. and Exhibition, Chicago IL – USA, Jul. 2009.

Miranda V., Bessa R., Gama J., Conzelmann G., Botterud A., “New Concepts in Wind Forecasting Models,” Proc. Windpower 2009 Conference and Exhibition, Chicago IL – USA, Jul. 2009.

Wang J., Botterud A., Conzelmann G., Koritarov V.S., “Market Power Analysis in the EEX Power Market: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach,” Proc. 2008 IEEE PES General Meeting, Pittsburgh PA – USA, Jul. 2008.

Wang J., Botterud A., Conzelmann G., Koritarov V.S., “Multi-Agent System for Short and Long-term Power Market Simulations,” Proc. 16th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC’08), Glasgow – Scotland, Jul. 2008.

Botterud A., Mahalik M.R., Conzelmann G., Silva R.F., Vilela S., Pereira R., “Multi-Agent Simulation of Generation Capacity Expansion Decisions,” Proc. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market, Lisbon – Portugal, May 2008.

Botterud A., Yildiz B., Conzelmann G., Petri M.C., “The Value of Product Flexibility in Nuclear Hydrogen Technologies,” Proc. Safety and Technology of Nuclear H2 Production, Control and Management at American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA – USA, Jun. 2007.

Doorman G., Botterud A., Wolfgang O., “A comparative analysis of capacity adequacy policies,” Proc. Conference on Incentives to Build New Generation in Competitive Electricity Markets: Market Design 2007, Stockholm – Sweden, Jun. 2007.

Botterud A., Mahalik M.R., Veselka T.D., Ryu H.-S., Sohn K.-W., “Multi-Agent Simulation of Generation Expansion in Electricity Markets,” Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, Tampa, FL – USA, Jun. 2007.

Botterud A., Yildiz B., Conzelmann G., Petri M.C., “The Value of Product Flexibility in Nuclear Hydrogen Technologies: A Real Options Analysis,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear Power: Seawater Desalination, Hydrogen Production and other Industrial Applications, Oarai – Japan, Apr. 2007.

Botterud A., Koritarov V., Thimmapuram P.R., “Multi-Agent Simulations of the Electricity Market in Central Europe,” Proc. 26th USAEE/IAEE N. American Conf., Ann Arbor MI – USA, Sep. 2006.

Løken E., Botterud A., Holen A.T., “Use of the Equivalent Technique in Multicriteria Planning of Local Energy Systems,” Proc. 19th Mini EURO Conference on “Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector” (ORMMES’06), Coimbra – Portugal, Sep. 2006.

Løken E., Botterud A., and Holen A.T., “Decision Analysis and Uncertainties in Planning Local Energy Systems,” Proc. 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS’06), Stockholm – Sweden, Jun. 2006.

Botterud A., Thimmapuram P.R., Yamakado M., “Simulating GenCo bidding strategies in electricity markets with an agent-based model,” Proc. 7th IAEE European Energy Conference on European Energy Markets in Transition, Bergen – Norway, Aug. 2005.

Botterud A., Catrinu M., Wolfgang O., Holen A.T., “Integrated Energy Distribution System Planning: A Multi-Criteria Approach,” Proc. 15th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’05), Liege – Belgium, Aug. 2005.

Løken E., and Botterud A., “Planning of mixed local energy distribution systems: A comparison of two multi-criteria decision methods,” Proc. 28th Annual IAEE International Conference, Taiwan, Jun. 2005.

Jordanger E., Bakken B.H., Holen A.T., Helseth A., Botterud A., “Energy distribution system planning – methodologies and tools for multi-criteria decision analysis,” Proc. 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Turin – Italy, Jun. 2005.

Botterud A., “Evaluation of Investments in New Power Generation using Dynamic and Stochastic Analyses,” Proc. 8th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS’04), Ames IA – USA, Sep. 2004.

Botterud A. and Korpås M., “Modelling of power generation investment incentives under uncertainty in liberalised electricity markets,” Proc. 6th IAEE European Energy Conference on Modelling in Energy Economics and Policy, Zurich – Switzerland, Sep. 2004.

Catrinu M., Løken E., Botterud A., Holen A.T., ”Constructing a multicriteria framework for local energy system planning,” Proc. 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDM’04), Whistler – Canada, Aug. 2004.

Botterud A., Ilic M., Wangensteen I., “Optimization of generation investments under uncertainty in restructured power markets,” Proc. 12th Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems Conference (ISAP 2003), Lemnos – Greece, Sep. 2003.

Botterud A., Bhattacharyya A. K., Ilic M., “Futures and spot prices – an analysis of the Scandinavian electricity market,” Proc. 34th Annual North American Power Symposium (NAPS‘02), Tempe AZ – USA, Oct. 2002.

Vogstad K-O., Botterud A., Maribu K. M., Grenaa Jensen S., “The transition from fossil fuelled to a renewable power supply in a deregulated electricity market,” Proc. 20th System Dynamics Conference, Palermo – Italy, Jul. 2002.

Botterud A., Korpås M., Vogstad K-O., Wangensteen I., “A dynamic simulation model for long-term analysis of the power market,” Proc. 14th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC’02), Sevilla – Spain, Jun. 2002.

Botterud A., “Alternatives for sustainable energy supply in Scandinavia,” Annual Meeting Alliance for Global Sustainability World Student Community (AGS WSC), San Jose – Costa Rica, Mar. 2002.

Holttinen H., Vogstad K-O., Botterud A., Hirvonen R., “Effects of large scale wind production on the Nordic electricity market,” Proceedings 2001 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC’01), Copenhagen – Denmark, Jul. 2001.

Botterud A., Korpås M., Vogstad K-O., “En langsiktig systemdynamisk kraftmarkeds-modell,” (“A long-term power market model based on system dynamics” – in Norwegian), Proc. NEF Technical Meeting, pp. 157-165, Trondheim – Norway, Nov. 2000. 

Vogstad K-O., Holttinen H., Botterud A., Tande J.O.G., “System benefits of coordinating wind power and hydro power in a deregulated market,” Proc. Wind Power for the 21st Century, Kassel – Germany, Sep. 2000.

Mo B., Gjelsvik A., Botterud A., Grundt A., Eliassen O-B., “Application of a new tool for integrated risk management,” Proc. Hydropower into the Next Century, pp. 817-826, Gmunden – Austria, 1999.


Long-term Planning in Restructured Power Systems: Dynamic Modeling of Investments in New Power Generation under Uncertainty,” PhD thesis, Dept. Dept. of Electrical Power Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog, 2004.

Aspects of Electricity Futures,” Sivilingeniør (MSc equivalent), Dept. of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 1997.